Wednesday, July 9, 2008
  Costly Notes

Hello all,

Marvin has collected new sets of biology and physics notes (i'm referring to the thick ones you received). For those who dint come today, please get a copy from Marvin/the person holding for you when you come back for lessons.

Also, to all "heavy debtors" of the class, please pay marvin the necessary cash to make his job of money collection easier. =D More notes will come soon..haha...

For those who did not come today, this is what was covered:
a. Chemistry: until question 4 of reaction kinetics
b. Math: Did an integration concepts worksheet, starting on 9C soon.
c. Physics lecture: Completed oscillations, watched some funny videos
d.Biology tutorial: Copied until question 5 of mitosis structured questions, instructions are to complete until meiosis MCQ

Tomorrow is temperature taking exercise, bring thermometer!! thanks.

PS: complete ISP sabbatical survey if you have yet to do so.
