Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  RE: class outing

Hello people,

Whilst promos are in a matter of weeks (study hard/pure mug/revise!!), and WR submission coincides with the GP paper (lets get As together), and the triple SPAs to study for, do take sufficient rest; there are already 2 people sick. Do your best, it doesn't matter what grade you get.

After we have gotten the grades we desire, there is a class outing our welfare reps and other sporting individuals have been planning for. Then, there is also FOS, which we would maintain our faculty's lead by high participation rates, even if we may not win the games. And finally, Apollo Faculty Outing 2!! (more details released later).

These activities are meticulously planned and i am sure it is a great deal of fun:) However, these are still ancillary to the promos we are going to take in a few weeks time, so study hard and we'll be able to enjoy life later. yupps :>

Take care and don't fall sick.
Jon :D